General data

The Hierarchy section displays the list of all employees (users) of the company. In this section, there is an opportunity to view the cards of the existing employees, edit, dismiss, or add new cards. When the user opens the hierarchy section at the left there is a list of employees, and at the right side of the screen empty field.

Opening the hierarchy section will display the following information:

  • At the left, there is a Search field, where you can search employees by their names. Dismissed employee names are displayed crossed out.
  • The hierarchy will be displayed as a list by clicking on the three bars to the right of the search field.
  • The hierarchy will be displayed as tiles by clicking on the four squares to the right of the search field.
  • Clicking on the three dots to the right of the hierarchy display toggles the options to:
    • Collapse All - hide the hierarchy so that only supervisors are displayed.
    • Expand All – expand the hierarchy, to display both supervisors and all their subordinates.
    • Hide inactive - display only active employees.
    • Add user – add the new user to the system.
    • Remind password - Remind the password to the selected user over their email.

Clicking on the user’s name will open detailed information about this user on the right side of the screen, and under the user’s name will appear options:

  • Send a password reminder to the user.
  • Add a new employee to his/her subordination will appear.


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